Updated Custom Property Dump

(AKA Shape Data Dump) Decades ago, I created a simple VBA script to dump a shapes Custom Properties (Aka Shape data). If I wanted to include the Custom Properties Section in documentation I had to run Show Shapesheet and take a screen capture. It was just an image. Since Visio shapes are more flexible inContinue reading “Updated Custom Property Dump”

Ugly Visio Shapes

Not all Visio shapes are pretty when they wander away from normal standards or have unnecessary embellishments, the shapes become ugly. With Visio shapes, even the shapes can be internally beautiful. Unnecessary code is ugly because it is distracting Electrical engineering shapes The Electrical engineering shapes were redone. I was interested in electronics in highContinue reading “Ugly Visio Shapes”

UK Counties

The map of the UK Counties is far from perfect, but I have uploaded it in case what is there is good enough. There is also UK map by David Parker I mentioned in my Canadian Map blog. Here is the Visio drawing of UK Counties.

Oh? Canada

I enjoyed embellishing the US map by states so I decided to create another one. I had considered doing one of Canada, but from personal experience, I knew some of the members of the current Visio team do not like Canadians. Though the earlier Visio team had created an add-on called Maps, the current mapContinue reading “Oh? Canada”