Universal Apps – Sort of?

In WP8, I can set up a view and use a few SortDescriptions and I have view several my data in a sorted format. Not so with a universal app. The answer I received from the forums is that: Universal apps are based on WinRT, not Silverlight. As you can see in the relevant APIs: Windows.UI.XAML.Data.CollectionViewSourceContinue reading “Universal Apps – Sort of?”

Universal Apps – Multilingual Toolkit

I fell in love with the Multilingual Toolkit when it was first introduced and found it very useful to add multiple languages to my apps. The only down side was that the submission process increased with each language. Even so, the Toolkit was useful in translating the text that is submitted with the app. AllContinue reading “Universal Apps – Multilingual Toolkit”

Universal Apps – Navigation

Unlike the navigation on Windows Phone 7, the navigation is a bit more complex in a Universal App, but luckily, Microsoft has provided some helpers. To add the helpers, you need to create the page with a Basic rather than a Blank page. You will be told that you are missing components and do you want toContinue reading “Universal Apps – Navigation”